Excel Pages
This page describes the various pages on the web site.
This is the Page Index to the Excel Web Source site. It lists each
page on the site, and describes its contents. The pages are listed in alphabetical order
by title, not necessarily the file name of the page.
The icon
indicates that the content
is related to Excel itself (typically the user interface) or to formulas.
The icon
indicates that the content is
related to VBA.
The icon
indicates that the content is
related to Visual Basic 6.
The icon
indicates that the content is
related to Visual Basic NET.
The icon
indicates that the page
has been converted from HTML to ASP.NET 2.0
The icon
indicates a download on the page.

About This Site 
This page tells a bit about the site, along with acknowledgements, and miscellaneous information.
Activating Excel From Other Programs

If you are doing cross-application program (such as automating Excel from a Word document or template), you
may find it useful for the user's convenience to activate Excel and set
keyboard focus to the active sheet. The AppActivate statement is not
entirely reliable. It sometimes properly activates an application, but
sometimes returns an error. It also requires that you know the window's
caption prior to calling AppActivate. The procedure on this page uses a
few Windows API calls to reliably activate Excel and set keyboard focus to the Active Sheet.
Adding The COM Add-Ins Menu

THis page desribes how to add the COM Add-Ins menu item to the Tools menu. You'll need this menu item if you are working with
COM Add-Ins.
Adding Menu Items To VBE

Adding menu items to the Visual Basic Editor (VBE) isn't as easy
as it is with standard Excel toolbars. You've got to do everything though
code, including using a class module. This page describes the procedures
for adding your own menu items to the VBE menus.
Additional Resources For Excel Users
This page describes additional resources where Excel users and
VBA programmers can find more detailed technical information.
Alert Message Component

If your application need to display messages to the user, you may find this component useful. It displays a modless for on which you
can display a scrollable list of messages to the user. When a message is posted, no user action is required, as is the case with a MsgBox.
The component also supports filtering messages by designer-defined priority levels.
Analysis Tool Pack
The Analysis Tool Pack (ATP) is an add-in module that is provided free with Excel, and
provides dozens of addition worksheet functions related to Finance, Statistics,
and Engineering. This page describes how to install the ATP
add-in module, and call its functions from VBA procedures.
It should be noted that in Excel 2007, the functions that were in the separate ATP have been made native
function within Excel itself, so you don't need the ATP to use the functions.
AnyXML - Allowing for optional and arbitrary XML in an XSD Schema

This page describes how to write an XSD XML Schema to allow for the inclusion of optional and arbitrary
XML in an instance document. This allows any well-formed XML to be included in an XML document without the
structure of that XML being described in a schema.
Application Events

Application Events are similar to standard Worksheet and Workbook events, but
occur at the Application level. All Workbook and Worksheet events can be
handled at the Application level, as can events such as adding or opening a new
workbook, or installing an add-in module. This page describes how to use
Application level events. This page assumes that you are familiar with Events and
Classes. It is strongly recommended that you read the Events page before
moving on to Applicaiton events.
Array Formulas

Array formulas are one of the most powerful tools in Excel. Many of the formulas
on this web site are array formulas. This page describes what array formulas are, how they work, and how to use them.
Array To Column

This page describes formulas that you can use to transform an MxN range of data
into a single column or row of data. This can be very useful for charting applications.
NOTE: This page has been replaced by the Matrix To Vector page.
Array Utility Functions

This page presents approximately 40 VBA functions for working with arrays. The procedures in this library call upon
one another, so you should import the entire module into your project rather than bringing in only individual
procedures. NOTE: This page has been replaced by the Extracting
Vectors Form A Matrix page.
Automation Add Ins And Function Libraries

This page describes how to write Automation Add Ins in Visual Basic 6 to serve as function libraries available to all users on a machine. The
functions defined in the classes of an Automation Add In can be called directly from a worksheet cell. This page also describes how to write
Automation Add Ins whose functions can be called from your VBA code.
Averages Ignoring Zeros

This page describes formulas and code you can use to average a range of values, excluding zero values.
A Better NETWORKDAYS Function

The NETWORKDAYS is fine if your work week is Monday through Friday. However, if
you work week begins and ends on different days of the week, NETWORKDAYS is of no
use. This pages describes two formulas that allow you to specified days and holidays from the count.
A Better WORKDAY Function

The WORKDAY function suffers from a significant shortcoming: Saturday and Sunday
are hard-coded into the function. You cannot specify other or additional days of the week. This page describes
a function that allows you to exclude any number of days of the week.
A Better Union Function

The Union method has two problems. First, it errors out if a parameter is Nothing. Second,
it double counts cells in overlapping ranges. This page describes code that fixes these problems.
Bitness, 32 and 64 bit Excel

This page describes the differences between Excel for 32 bits and 64 bits.
Blinking Text

Some users have expressed a need for blinking text. Excel doesn't natively
support blinking text, but you can make a cell's text blink by using theOnTime method.
Browse Folder

This page describes two methods to display a "browse for folder" dialog box.
ByRef And ByVal Parameter Passing

This pages describes the difference between passing parameters to procedures by reference (ByRef) or by value (ByVal).
Break In Class Module Error Trapping Option

This page describes how and why you should always use the Break In Class Module debugger
CALL Function 
The page contains procedures for calling functions from a DLL directly from a worksheet cell.
This page appears compliments of Laurent Longre. NOTE: The CALL function was disabled in Excel 2000
because it exposes a series security risk. This page applies only to Excel 97.
Calling Worksheet Functions From VBA

This page describes how to call worksheet functions from your VBA code.
Cell References In A Range 
This page describes a syntax and method for referencing various cells in a range
without using the Offset property. This syntax is both faster and easier
than either the Cells or Offset methods. The syntax references cells by the (hidden) "_Default" property of a Range.
This page appears compliments of Alan Beban.
Cell Values And Displayed Text

When you are working in Excel, either with formulas or with Visual Basic For Applications (VBA) code, it is
important to understand the difference between the actual value of a cell and what is displayed on the screen.
The actual value of the cell is what Excel stores internally and what it uses in formulas and calculations.
This is not necessarily the same as what you see displayed on the screen or printed on your reports.
It is important that you understand the difference between the two -- otherwise, your formulas may not work as expected
Cell View

This add-in allows you to see the characters and their numeric codes in a cell. This makes it easy to find unprintable
characters such as tabs that don't display but may affect formulas. This is particularly useful for finding special characters
that may be present when you copy text from a web page and paste it into Excel.
Changing The Case Of Text
Excel does not have a format option to display text in upper or lower case.
This page shows some VBA code that allows you to change a range of cells to
upper or lower case, or to change the case of text automatically as it is
Character Tests Of Strings

This page describes a number of formulas for testing text values in strings in worksheet cells.
Class Modules

Using class modules in a project can promote good design and streamline code. This page in a simple introduction to
classes with examples. It is by no means a comprehensive treatment of classes.
Clipboard Functions
This page describes functions for working with the Windows Clipboard from within VBA.
Cloning A Folder 
This page describes code that will make a copy of a folder, including all files
and subfolder within the source folder. All files and subfolders of the source
folder are copied to the destination folder, and the subfolder hierarchy
(subfolders within subfolder within subfolders) is preserved in the destination
Code Modules And Code Names 
A frequent mistake of beginning VBA is programmers is that they put their code
in the wrong code module. This page discusses the different types of
modules in a VBProject, and what code should and should not be placed in which modules.
It also discusses the Codename property of a module, and how to use (and misuse)
this property.
Code Attributes For The Object Browser

You can create Attribute statement to provide descriptions of modules and procedures that will be
displayed in the Object Browser. This page describes how to do that.
Code Notes 
This provides information about code on the site. It is largely obsolete.
Collections And Dictionaries

This page contains procedures for working with Collection and Dictionary object, including sorting procedures.
Color Banding With Conditional Formatting

When creating worksheets with a large number of rows, especially if those rows have many columns, you
may want to apply a style of alternating colored rows to make the worksheet easier to read. While
Excel has built-in styles to do this, the colors will get botched if you sort the range or you
insert or delete rows. This page describes a method you can use with Conditional Formatting to
apply a format that will remain correct even during sorting or inserting or deleting rows.

Excel does not have any built-in worksheet functions for working with
the colors of cells or fonts. If you want to read or test the color of a
cell, you have to use VBA procedure. The Colors page describes several functions
for counting and summing cells based on the color of the font or background.
Column To Table

It is not an uncommon task to take a column of data, grouped into logical blocks, and transform them into
a two-dimensional table of rows and columns. This page describes how to do this with formulas and with VBA code.
Column To Table, Variable Block Lenghts

This page describes VBA code to create a table from a column of blocked data where the block sizes
are variable, not fixed.
Creating A Function Library In NET
This article describes the procedures necessary to create a Class Library Automation Add-In using Visual Studio NET. You can
download the example as a group of project files for Visual Studio 2005 and Visual Studio 2008.
COM Add Ins

This page describes how to write COM Add Ins and Automation Add Ins in Visual Basic 6. See also
Automation Add Ins And Function Libraries.
COM Add-Ins In Excel 2007

This page describes some considerations regarding COM Add-Ins in Excel 2007.
COM Add-Ins And Automation Add Ins, Installing

This pages describes techniques and System Registry Keys and Values required to install your COM Add In for users that do not have administrative
privileges on their acccount. This describes how to add a COM Add In for an individual user or to configure the add in so that it is available
to all users of a machine. This pages assume you are somewhat familiar with the System Registry and the RegEdit Registry Editor program.
Conditional Formatting 
This page describes how to use the Conditional Formatting tool, which was added to Excel in Excel97.
Conditional Formatting Colors 
Unfortunately, the Color and ColorIndex properties of a Range don't return the color of a cell that is displayed if Conditional
formatting is applied to the cell. Nor does it allow you to determine whether a conditional format is currently in effect for a
cell. In order to determine these, you need code that will test the format conditions. This page describes three VBA functions that
will do this for you.
Content Based Banding
This page describes how to use formulas and Conditional Formatting to apply styles based on cells' contents, changing from formatted
to unformatted when a value changes in a list.
Consulting And Development Services

I am a professional Excel and VB/VBA developer. If you like what you see on the web site, you can hire me to develop projects
for your own business, custom designed to meet your exact business needs. Contact Chip Pearson
at (816) 214-6957.
CountType Function

There are few and rather limited built in Excel functions for determining what type of data is in a cell or how many cells in a range
contain a particular type of content, such as formulas, date and times, Booleans, and so on. This page describes a VBA function
named CountType that returns the count of cells in a range that are of a particular content type.
Creating An Add-In

This page describes how to create an Excel XLA add-in. If you know how to code in VBA, you know pretty much all you need to
know about writing XLA Add-Ins. This page fills in the details you might overlook.
Date Add 
It is sometimes useful to store years and months as numbers -- e.g., 5.06 for 5
years, 6 months. This page describes how to use the DOLLARDE
and DOLLARFR functions to add years and months.
All Excel versions since Excel5 have had a worksheet function called
DATEDIF, which allows you to find the difference between two dates, in days, years, or months.
Unfortunately, this function is documented only in Excel 2000, not in earlier or later versions. This page
describes the syntax for the DATEDIF function.
Date Functions

This page describes about 20 useful worksheet formulas for working with dates.
Date Intervals 
This page describes several formulas for working with date intervals. Specifically, it addresses the questions of whether a date
falls within an interval, the number of days that two intervals overlap, and how many days are in one interval, excluding those days in another
Dates And Times

One of the most common tasks in Excel involves working with dates and times. This page contains extensive information about how
dates and times are stored in Excel, how to add and subtract them, and dozens of other related formulas. This is one of the most
popular pages on the web site and is the starting point for many other pages that work with dates and times.
Date Time Entry

When you have a large number of dates of times to enter into a worksheet, you
may want to be able to enter them without using the ":" or
"/" separator characters -- e.g., type 1234 to get 12:34. This page describes the VBA code that allows you to do this.
Time Zones And Daylight Savings
This page describes VBA procedures to work with time zones and daylight savings time.
Day Of Week Functions

This page describes functions you can use when working with days of the week. The functions
are presented both as worksheet formulas and as VBA functions.
Daylight Savings

Neither Excel, VBA, nor the Windows API library provide much support for working
with Daylight Savings Time (DST) and Standard Time (STD). This page describes
several procedure that you can use to work with DST. The rules used in this code
to determine whether a date is within DST are the rules used in the USA and
Canada. European and other countries have their own rules regarding when DST
begins and ends. You can fairly easily adapt the code provided in these
procedures to use the DST rules in effect in your locale.
Default Member Of A Class
This page describes how to specify a Sub, Function, or Property of a class as the default member. That allows you
to write code like the following:
Dim CC As New CMyClass
CC.Value = 1234
CC = 1234
Debugging VBA Code 
This page provides an introduction to the debugging and
diagnostic tools available in VBA to facilitate debugging your code.
Declaring Variables Properly In VBA Code 
This page describes the best practices when declaring variables in VBA code.
Defined Names In Excel
Defined Names are a powerful tool in Excel. They allow you to assign a meaningful name to a cell or range
of cells, and use those names where you would normally use a cell reference. This makes the formulas
much easier to understand and maintain.
Defined Name Shortcut Key 
Excel provides many shortcut keys, but one that is sorely lacking is a shortcut to the
Defined Name box on the formula bar. You can use the macro on this page, assigned to a keystroke, to get directly to the name box.
Deleting Rows 
Many worksheets are used to stored lists of data. This page describes some
techniques for deleting duplicate rows in a list of data.
Deleting Duplicate Rows With Advanced Filter

This page describes how to use Excel's Advanced Filter tool using VBA code to delete duplicate rows of data.
Summing The Diagonal Elements Of A Range

This page describes several formulas for summing the diagonal elements of a range.
Delimited Text In A Cell

This page describes several formulas for working with delimited text in a cell.
Diagnosing Startup Problems In Excel

Occasionally, you may encounter errors when starting Excel that make it difficult or impossible to continue working.
This page describes steps you can take to diagnose and fix errors that occur when Excel starts up.
Differences Between Functions And Macros 
As a VBA programmer, you'll need to know the difference between Sub procedures and Function procedures.
This page describes the difference, and the limitations of each type.
Direct Connection To MSNEWS
When you use the Microsoft Newsgroups (also called Communities), it is generally advantageous to connect directly
to the MSNEWS server, rather than going through your local news server. This page explains why.
This page was written by Leonard E Meads, and appears on this web site with his generous permission.
DistinctValues Worksheet Function
This page describes a VBA Function that will return an array of the distinct values from a range or an array. This function
may be array entered into a range of cells on a worksheet, incorporated into an array formula in one or more cells, and
can be called from other VB code, independent of a worksheet.
Directory Tree Listing

This page is a redirection page to the Folder Tree page that contains the
documentation and download for the DirTree directory tree builder add-in
Distributed Dates

Often, Excel is used as a platform for scheduling applications. You may
need to determine how many working days in an interval fall in each month or
year in that interval. This page shows you how. For example, if a
project starts on 19-Jan and ends on 8-June, these formulas will determine
how many working days fall into each month.
Document Properties 
This page contains some VBA procedures for retrieving or setting the Built-In or
Custom properties of a Workbook.
This page has been replaced. Click here to go to the new page.
Document Properties

This page describes a number of VBA functions that you can use to modify the BuiltIn and Custom document properties
of a workbook. It also contains code to read and modify BuiltIn and Custom properties of closed files.
Downloading A File From The Web

This page describes VBA code to download a file from the internet to your local PC.

The Downloads page lists the example workbooks, code modules, and complete projects that you can download from the
web site.

When you have lists of data, it is often useful to identify the duplicate or
unique items in the list, or to compare two lists to one another. This
page describes a variety of techniques to do both, using either formulas or VBA code. This is one of the most
popular pages on my web site.
Easter Calculations

This page describes how the calculate the date of Easter for a given year. Both a worksheet formula and
a VBA function are shown.
EMail From VBA

This page describes how to send email from VBA without using Outlook.
Empty Folder 
This page describes code to delete the contents of a folder, but leave the
folder itself intact. By default, it will send the contents (all files and
subfolders) to the Windows Recycle Bin, but you can specify that you want to
permanently delete the contents of the folder.
End User License Agreement (EULA) Questions And Answers 
The EULA is the contract between you and Microsoft that governs how you may use
Office.This page answers a number of frequently asked questions about the
Ensuring Macros Are Enabled, Technique 1 (Sheet Visibility)

The page describes how to use VBA code to ensure that your workbook or application is usuable by the end user only if macros are enabled. It is
unusable if macros are disabled. An alternative technique, using Defined Names and Formula is describe on this page.
Enum Name Value List

This page describes how to get a list of the name values of an enum and put that list in the
clipboard. This is useful for creating a Select Case statement to
validate the value of an enum.
Ensuring Macros Are Enabled, Technique 2 (Errors In Formulas)

This page provides a second technique, using formulas and defined names, to make a workbook unusable if macros are disabled. This technique is
simpler than the technique on the Ensuring Macros Are Enabled page.
Enum Data Types 
This page introduces the Enum data type for VBA. Enums provide a way to group related values with a single name.
Error Handling 
This page describes the basics of error handling in VBA.
Event Procedures

Event procedures are VBA procedures that are executed automatically by Excel when a
specific event or action occurs, such as changing a cell value, changing the selection, or
saving a workbook. This page describes the events that occur in workbooks
and worksheets and charts. It also includes instructions and examples for creating your own events in your classes.
For events at the application level, see the Application Events page.
Every Nth Row

This page describes how to retrieve every Nth row from a column of numbers, such as
every other or every third row. It also describes how to use SUM and AVERAGE on these
data sets.
Excel Functions 
This page contains a large number or general use worksheet formulas, organized
by category. This page is no longer updated, but there's still alot of
interesting stuff to be found. The topics covered on this page are now on their own pages or within a related topic page.
Excel Macros 
This page contains a large number or general use worksheet formulas, organized
by category. This page is no longer updated, but there's still alot of
interesting stuff to be found. The topics covered on this page are now on their own pages or within a related topic page.
Excel Links
This page has links to some other Excel related sites, and to a few interesting
non-Excel sites as well.
Excel Pages 
This page.
Fixed Length Test Files, Exporting To A Text File

This page describes how to export worksheet data to a fixed field length text file.
File Dates And Times

Neither Excel nor VBA provide a mechanism for retrieving or
setting the times associated with a file: Create Time, Last Accessed Time, and
Last Modified Time. This page provides two functions, GetFileDateTime and
SetFileDateTime, that provide this functionality. These functions are
VBA-Friendly wrapper functions for the GetFileTime and SetFileTime Windows API
functions. The GetFileDateTime and SetFileDateTime function handle the data
format conversions and the translation between local time and GMT time.
File Descriptions In VBA

This page describes how to get file information from a file name. It shows code that allows
you to read the system registry and get the ProgID and text description of a file.
File Extensions And Excel VBA Code

By default, Windows does not display file extenesions. For example, the file Book1.xls is
displayed as just Book1, without the xls extension. The value of
this Windows setting has implications in Excel VBA code. This page describes how to test this setting and
behave accordingly.
Full File Names In Windows Captions

This page describes some VBA event code that you can use to display the full file name, with
drive and path information, in the Excel application window caption and the captions of the individual
workbook windows.
FindAll XLA Add-In

This pages introduces the FindAll.xla add-in that you can use to search one or more
worksheets in a workbook and display all of the results together on the user interface. The page includes a
download for the XLA add-in.
Finding Values On Multiple Worksheets

VBA does not provide a way to find all occurrences of a value on a single worksheet or multiple worksheets. This page contains
a VBA function named FindAll that finds all occurrences of a value on a worksheet and returns a Range
object comprised of the found cells. It also contains a function named FindAllOnWorksheets which allows
you to search for a value on any number of sheets in a workbook.
Find Method Of Range In VBA
You can use VBA to find data in a range of cells using
the Find method of a Range. Unfortunately, there is no FindAll method that
will return a Range object that contains references to all the cells in which
the searched-for text was found. This page provides such a procedure. Another
shortcoming of the Find method is that it does not support wildcard strings.
This page provides another method, WildCardMatchCells, which will return a Range
object referencing each cell whose contents match the provided wildcard string.
The wildcard string may be any string that is valid to use with the Like
Flexible Lookups - An Alternative To VLOOKUP
Excel's VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP functions are great for simple table lookups. However, they suffer the shortcomings that
you can only search the left column, return a value only from a column to the right, and return only a single value.
The formulas on this page describe how to use any column as the search column, any column for the returned values, and
return multiple value from the table.
Folder And File Tree View
This page desribes code to create a TreeView control to list subfolders and files of a folder. The techniques described on
the page are not limited to creating a TreeView for folders and files. The code can be adapted to display any sort of
data in a TreeView control.
Folder Tree

This page describes VBA code to create a tree-like listing of subfolders and
files within a specified folder.
Fractional Months

Some Excel applications need to calculate the fractional months between two dates. This is somewhat ambiguous because a
month may have between 28 and 31 days. This page describes methods and formulas for calculating fractional months.

This page describes VBA code that you can use to create a list of distinct elements from
an array of values. A downloadable example workbook is
also provided.
Week Numbers In Excel

This page describes how to get a list of distinct elements from a range of cells.
Globally Unique Identifiers (GUIDs)
Your application may need to create unique indentifiers to track objects or data values. If you need a
unique identifier but you don't need that identifier to contain any meaningful information beyond simply
being unique, you can use a Globally Unique Identifier or GUID. This value will be unique across all
users, all computers, and all networks. This page describes the code to create a GUID.
Hints And Tips For Connecting To Microsoft Newsgroups

One of the best ways to obtain support and answers to questions if through the NNTP USERNET newsgroups.
Often, you will get an answer within minutes. Best of all, it is totally free. This page
describes how to connect to the Microsoft Excel newsgroups and provides a list of guidelines
to make the newsgroups productive.
Inserting Cells And Filling A Series 
This page describes VBA procedures that you can use to insert rows or cells and
fill in missing elements of a series of numbers. Suppose you have a partial
series of numbers in a range of cells. This code will detect missing
entries in the series, insert the appropriate number of rows or cells between
the existing entries in the series, and fill those cells with the appropriate
First And Last Names

A frequent task in Excel is to split full names into the first-name, last-name,
and middle-name components. This page describes both worksheet formulas
and VBA procedures to do this.
Fixed Length Test Files, Importing To Excel

Elsewhere on this site we have examined code for
imported delimited text files. This page features code to import data
from fixed field list.

Excel typically displays forms in the center of the
screen. This is usually fine for data entry and dialog forms.
However, in many cases it is desirable to display a form in relation to a
specific cell. This is not a simple a task as it seems because the top
and left coordinates of a UserForm based on the same coordinate system as
the Top and Left coordinates of a cell. To properly calculate the Top
and Left coordinates of a UserForm, you have to take in to account the
window state (normal or maximized) of the Excel application window, and the
Workbook window, and their relative positions, in addition to whether the
formula bar is visible, what command bars are displayed, and how they are
positioned. Needless to say, these calculation can get rather
complicated. Fortunately, I've done the work for you.

Yes, Excel can be fun. Enjoy some games written me and by others.

The GetInfo function, written in VBA, allows you to retrieve nearly any property of any object in the Excel
object model directly from a worksheet cell. Using this one function, you
can eliminate dozens of custom UDFs to get application and object properties.
Get Recent File
This page describes a function named GetRecentFile that returns the name of the most recently
or least recently modified file in a specified folder. You can specify one or more file extensions to narrow the files
to be examined.
Get System Error Message Text
When you work with Windows API calls, you will often need to get the description of an error number, much the same
way you do with Err.Description for VBA errors. Windows provides a function named
FormatMessage that formats a Windows error into a text description. This page provides
a VBA function named GetSystemErrorMessageText that wraps up all the API functions into
a nice friendly VBA function.
GMT And Local Times and Windows Time Formats

There is no built-in way in VBA or Excel to convert between local time and
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT, also called UTC or Zulu Time). This pages describes
methods to convert times between local and GMT, as well as to convert between
the various time formats used by VBA and Windows. You can download a bas code
module or a complete workbook that contains the conversion procedures.
Headers And Footers 
One of the big shortcoming of Excel is that you (still!) can't put cell values
in the page headers and footer, nor can you put the full file name of the
workbook. This pages has the VBA code to do both, and more.
Hidden Name Space

The "Hidden Name Space" refers to an area of memory that you can use
to hold defined names that are available to all workbooks, and which are
available to workbooks even after the workbook which created the name is
closed. This page appears compliments of Laurent Longre.

This page has a number of formulas and procedures for working with holidays that
don't fall on the same date each year, such as Memorial Day or
Thanksgiving. This is especially useful for scheduling workbooks.
Importing And Exporting Text Files

The VBA code on this pages is used to import data from a text file directly into
the active worksheet, and to export a range from a worksheet to a text
file. It lets you use any field delimiter you want.
Importing Big Files

Excel 2003 and earlier versions are limited to 65,536 rows of data. You cannot increase this limit. Therefore, if you attempt to
import a very large text file, only the first 64K rows will be imported (or fewer if the imported data doesn't start at row 1).
Excel's built in import and open functions will only import as much data as will fit on the active worksheet.
It will not continue the import operation on subsequent worksheets. This page describes a procedure named ImportBigFile that will
import a text file with any number of records. The procedure will create additional worksheets as required.
It will optionally split each line of input data into separate columns, delimited by any specified character. The
code isn't only for files with more than 64K rows -- it can be used to import a text file of any size.
The code requires Excel 2000 or later.

The Excel INDIRECT function is much more useful than the Help files may
indicate. This page describes some of the interesting things you can do
with this under-appreciated function.
Inserting Procedures Name Automatically Into VBA Code
This page describe a procedure named InsertProcedureNameIntoProcedures and
supporting function that you can use to automatically insert procedure names in
to procedures with a CONST statement.
Installing An XLA Add-In

This page describes how to install and load an XLA add-in file for Excel.
Installing COM And Automation Add Ins
This pages describes techniques and System Registry Keys and Values required to install your COM Add In for users that do not have administrative
privileges on their acccount. This describes how to add a COM Add In for an individual user or to configure the add in so that it is available
to all users of a machine. This pages assume you are somewhat familiar with the System Registry and the RegEdit Registry Editor program.
This page describes a VBA function to determine whether a dynamic array is allocated. It will work with an array of any type, of
any number of dimensions, including arrays returned by the Split function.
Interfaces And Implementation In Class Modules

The Implements Page provides a detailed and in-depth
examination of Inteferaces in VBA and how to Implement an Interface in a class module.
Interfaces are an intermediate to advanced level topic. They are not widely used in VBA
project because they are not widely known. However, once you understand what an interface
is and how to implement in in a class, you have a very powerful programming technique at
your disposal. Interfaces should definitely be part of the VBA programmer's arsenal of
programming techniques. This page includes a downloadable workbook with all the code
described on the page. While the example is in Excel, interfaces are part of the core
VBA library and can be used in any VBA application. A solid understanding of classes
in general is required to make use of interfaces.

This page describes a function named IsFileOpen which determines
whether a file is in use by another process.
Julian Dates 
This page describes various Excel formulas for working with Julian dates (dates
in YYDDD format), including converting them to and from standard Excel dates,
and adding days to Julian dates.
Keyboard Shortcut To Formula Bar
Depending on your option settings, you may not have a keyboard shortcut to set focus to the Formula Bar. This page
describes a method to create a keyboard shortcut to the Formula Bar.
Last Cell In A Range

This page contains VBA code to find the last non-empty value in a range of cells.
Last Cell In A Row Or Column 
This page describes formulas you can use to get the last non-blank cell in a row or column.
Last Update Time Of Cell 
The formulas on this page allow you to record in one cell the last time that
another cell was changed.
Latitude And Longitude

Working with geographic coordinates is fairly simple using the techniques
described on this page. There is also a formula for computing the Great
Circle Distance between two points.
Lists, First And Last Elements

This page describes formulas to get the first and last elements in a list of data, and to
get the positions of those elements.
ListBox Utilities

This page contains about a dozen VBA procedures designed to make the MSForms
ListBox easier to use. The module includes procedures for moving sets of list
items up or down in the list box and a sorting functions.
Lookup Formulas

This pages describes some formulas to handle looking up data in lists that
VLOOKUP can't handle.
Make Multiple Directories

The VBA function MkDir allows you to only create the right-most directory in a
path specification, and all the directories on the left must already exist. The
MakeDirMulti function described on this page allows you to create a subdirectory
nested as deep as you like, and all appropriate subfolders will be created as
Matrix And Vector Functions

This page describes formulas to convert an R-by-C matrix to a single column or row vector and to extract one vector
out of the matrix. It also uses these formula to create a dynamic chart.
Menus In Excel

This page is an introduction to creating custom menu items in Excel97 and 2000,
both manually and with VBA
Merging Lists With No Duplicates

A common task in Excel is to merge two lists into a single list, usually preventing duplicates
in the final merged list. This page describes exactly how to do this with VBA.
Missing References In VBA

There may be times, especially when copying a workbook from one machine to another, that the references in the VBA Project
get screwed up. This page describes why that may happen and the steps you can take to remedy the problem.
Multiple Subdirectories

VBA provides the MkDir function to create a directory, but the parent directory
must already exist. This leads to multiple calls to MkDir, which can be
cumbersome and prone to error. This page provides a function to create a nested chain of
subdirectories with a single line of code.
Name Box

If you use defined names in your workbooks, you have probably
been frustrated by the fact that the Name dropdown box just isn't wide enough to
fully display the names. This page describes some code you can use to increase
the width of the defined name dropdown box.
Named Ranges

You can use a defined name to refer to a range or formula in your workbook,
which makes your workbook much more maintainable. Defined names can also
be used to circumvent some of the limitations in Excel's Data Validation and
Conditional Formatting tools. Learn all about defined names and names range on
this page.
Nested IF Functions 
It is a well known, and often irritating, limitation in Excel that you cannot
nest more than 7 levels of IF statement. This page describes a technique
using defined names that lets you get around this limitation.
New Posters' Guide
Many people learn about my web site through my participation in the Excel
related newsgroups on Usenet. If you're new to the Excel newsgroups,
please take the time to read these helpful hints and tips for new posters.
No Blanks

This page describes worksheet formulas and VBA code to extract only values from a range that
contains both values and blank cells.
Optimizing VBA Code 
As your VBA projects get larger and more complex, it becomes more important that
your code is written to be as efficient as possible. Learn about several
techniques you can use to improve the speed (and reliability) of your VBA
Optional Parameter And ParamArrays To Functions
This page discusses how to implement optional parameters and an unknown number of parameters of a VB/VBA procedure. It illustrates
the Optional keywords, the IsMissing function, and the
ParamArray type parameter.
Ordinal Numbers In Excel

Ordinal numbers are those which indicate order in a series, such
as 1st or 2nd or 3rd. This page describes how to create those suffixes with
either a worksheet formula or a VBA function.
Parsing Telephone Numbers 
A frequent task in Excel is to split full telephone numbers into the area code,
local number, and extension components. This page describes VBA procedures to do this.
Pictures On Command Bar Items

This page describes how to add custom images to command bar buttons and menu items. You can
use either external image files or images embedded on a worksheet.

This page describes methods to pause execution for a specified amount of time and
to pause code to wait for user input on a worksheet.
Playing A Sound From VBA

This page describes how to play wav files from VBA. You can use your own sound files
or you can use the sound files provided by Windows in the C:\Windows\Media
Pivot Tables 
Pivot tables are an exciting and powerful tool in Excel. This Introduction
was written by former MVP Harald Staff.
Preventing Duplicates On Entry

Learn how to use Excel's Data Validation tool to prevent users from entering
duplicate values into a list of data.
Pricing Formulas For Bracket And Progressive Models 
In many business, especially manufacturing and wholesaling, the unit price of an
item may determined by the number of units purchased. A widget may cost
$2.00 when 1 to 9 are purchased, but may cost $1.50 when between 10 and 99 are
purchased, and so on, with greater discounts given to larger quantities.
There are two methods to determine the total cost of the order. The
simpler is when the the unit price is the same for all units in the order, and
depends only on the number of units ordered. For example, this would be
the case if 50 widgets were purchased each at $1.50, where the $1.50 unit cost
came as a result of the total quantity of 50. Here, the unit cost can be
determined by a simple VLOOKUP function (as will be shown later),
and the total cost of the order is simply unit-cost times quantity, or $1.50 * 50 = $75.00.
However, it becomes more difficult when the unit price is distributed across
the order. For example, suppose that in a order of 50 widgets, the first 9
are priced at $2.00, and the remaining 41 are priced at $1.50. In this
example, there is no single unit cost. The total cost of the order is
($2.00 * 9) + ($1.50 * 41) = $79.50. While it is simple enough to do
this example by hand, it becomes more complicated when there are a large number
of quantity ranges, each with a different unit price.
This page describes formulas for Excel that can be used to determine these
costs. We'll call the first method "Bracket Pricing", in which
the total order is based on a single unit-cost, and we'll call the second method
"Progressive Pricing" in which the price of each unit sold is based on
where it falls into various "quantity intervals".
Prime Numbers

This pages describes formulas to test whether an integer is a Prime Number. This is
accomplished with a single array formula. The page also provides and expansion on this
to determine if a number is a Prime Number, a Prime Twin, or not a Prime Number, all
with a single formula.
Printing Multiple Sheets

This page contains VBA code to print multiple worksheets with a single line of code.
Programming The VBA Editor
This page describes some of the objects, properties, and methods of the Visual
Basic Editor, and procedures you can use add and delete code modules and
procedures, all programmatically with VBA code. In short, these procedures allow you to write code using code.
Protecting Worksheets, Workbooks, And VBA
This page describes how to protect your workbooks, worksheets, and VBA code.
Quick And Easy Directory Tree

This page describes code to create a simple diretory listing. It is simpler and easier to adpat,
at the cost of fewer options, than the code at FolderTree.aspx.
Random Numbers In Excel And VBA
This pages describes several formulas and VBA functions for working with random numbers. It includes code to return a number of
random values within a range of values and to return an array of unique, non-duplicated random numbers.
Ranking Data In Lists

People often use Excel to store lists of data which need to be ranked. For example, you may use Excel to store
information about your bowling team, and you want to determine the ranks for players and scores. Excel provides a
worksheet function called RANK to do some fairly simple ranking, but this function has
some limitations. This page describes some more advanced formulas for ranking data.
This page is a complete re-write of the original Rank page.
Recursive Programming
Recursive programming is a powerful technique that can simplify otherwise complicated programming tasks. In summary, recursive programming
is when a procedure calls itself passing to itself a modified value of the original input parameter(s). This pages uses the mathematical
function Factorial to illustrate recursive programming techniques.
Recursive Programming And The FileSystemObject

Recursive programming, in which a procedure calls itself, it a
powerful programming technique. This page describes recursive programming in general and then with an example using the
FileSystemObject to create a directory tree listing.
Recycling Files
VB and VBA provide the Kill statement to delete a file. This permanently deletes the file; it does not
sent the file to the Windows Recycle Bin. This page describes how to send a file or folder to the Recycle Bin.

If you need to store information from one Excel session to the next, such as
user preferences or application configuration data, you can store that data in
the System Registry. This page describes about 10 VBA functions the are
used to read and write Keys and Values to the System Registry. The procedures
presented here should give you full control over the registry. It is assumed
that you are familiar, at least at a conceptual level, with the system Registry. Be warned, however, that
deleting registry keys can be dangerous. If you delete the wrong key, applicaiton be behave incorrectly or not start at all. In
the very worst case, Windows itself may not be able to start.
RegistryWorx DLL Registry Component
The System Registry can be difficult to work with using the standard Windows API functions. The RegistryWorx DLL component
wraps the API functions up in to nice VBA-friendly functions. There are functions to create, test, and delete Registry
keys and values.
Avoiding Problems When Renaming A Worksheet
VBA problems may occur in your applicaiton may arise when a user renames a worksheet that is explicitly
referenced by name in your VBA code. This page describes how to avoid these problems.
Referencing Worksheets From Formulas

This page describes some VBA procedure that you can use to
refer to the first, next, previous, or last worksheet in a workbook.
These functions are intended to be called directly from worksheet cell, not from other VBA procedures.
Because they make use of the Application.Caller
property, they will not work unless they are called directly from worksheet
Relative References

This is an explanation of the differences between absolute and relative
reference styles in Excel formulas. Learn about the differences, and
understand when you should use one or the other.
Returning Arrays From User Defined Functions
This page discusses matters related to returning an array as the result of a User Defined Function in VBA or COM or
Automation Add-In.
Returning Errors From VBA Functions
This page describes how to use the CVErr function to return error values from VBA User Defined Functions.
Rounding Errors In Excel97

This page describes the common causes of apparent numeric errors in Excel: actual versus
displayed values, and approximation of rational numbers in industry standard double-precision floating
point variables. The IEEE format is described at the bit level.

This pages describes the RowLiner add-in,
which allows you to display row and/or column leader lines on your worksheet.
SaveCopyAndZip Add-In

This add-in is a front end to both the PKZip and WinZip programs. It
allows you to save as a zip file any open workbook. It does not alter the
existing workbook in any way. You must have either PKZip or WinZip installed on
your machine.
Also available is a SaveCopyAndZip COM Add-In that does its own zipping, without relying on PKZip or WinZip.
Scheduling Procedures With OnTime

You may need to design your Excel workbooks to run a procedure
periodically, and automatically. For example, you may want to refresh data
from a data base source every few minutes. Using VBA, you can call upon
the OnTime method of the Excel Application object to instruct Excel to run a
procedure at a given time. By writing your code to call the
OnTime method by itself, you can have VBA code automatically execute on a
periodic basis. This page describes the VBA procedures for doing
Scope Of Variable And Proceduvres

This page describes what is meant by the scope of a variable or procedure and how scope affects
the use of variables and procedures within a project and between projects.
The Search page allows you to search for specific words or phrases on the web
site. Together with the Topic Index page, this page
lets you find what you need to know.
Set Application Icon 

This page describes code that you can use to customize your application with your own custom
icon on the main Excel application window.

Normally, a userform floats above, and independently of,
the Excel application window and the worksheet windows. This means that when
you move the application window or a sheet window, the form does not move
with the window; it stays in its original location on the screen. You can
use a series of Windows system calls to set the form as a "child" window to
the worksheet window. When you do this, the form will move along with the
application window and the sheet window.

When you show a form modelessly, focus is set to the first control on the form. However, there may be times in which you
want to worksheet to retain focus, so when the user types, input goes to the worksheet, not the form. This page describes
the Windows API function and VBA code that you can use to accomplish this.
Sheet Name Functions
This page contains VBA functions for working with worksheet and workbook name lists and
relative sheet addressing.
The VBA Shell command starts a process and returns control back to
VBA. This page desribes code you can use to wait for a Shell'd command
to finish before returning control back to VBA.
Shortcut Keys
This page has three downloadable workbooks, listing the Excel keyboard
shortcuts, VBA Editor keyboard shortcuts, and the ALT key menu accelerator
keyboard shortcuts.
This pages describes how to show a UserForm that is to be determined at
runtime. It utilizes the often forgotten about VBA.UserForms object and
CallByName to access a form and its controls using string variables
whose values are set a run time.
Shuffling An Array To Random Order

This page descrbes VBA procedures to shuffle an array into random order.
Sorting An Array

Unfortunately, VBA does not have a built-in method for sorting arrays. This page describes two methods for sorting array in VBA.
Sorting By Color

If you have color-code cells in your worksheet, you find that at
times it is useful to sort rows by the colors of the cells. That is, sort
all the reds at the top, followed by the blues, followed by the yellows, and so
on. Unfortunately, Excel provides no such tool. You have to do it manually. This page describes
how to do it.
Sorting Worksheets In A Workbook

In some applications, it may be useful to
have the worksheets in alphabetical order. For example, if you have
a worksheet for each employee on a team and each employee has their own
worksheet, you may want these sheets in alphabetical order. You could do
this manually, but if you have more than a few sheets, it would be easier
to automate the task. Excel does not have a built in tool to
do this, but you can use some fairly simple VBA code accomplish
NOTE: This is a complete rewwrite of the original Sort Worksheets page with several additional
code features.
Special Characters In Excel

Using a typical computer
keyboard, you can directly type in approximately 94 different characters,
such as letters and number other symbols like punctuation marks.
However, there are many other symbols available. In a typical font
such as Arial, there are some 200 different symbols available, including
the British Pound sign �, the Euro Currency symbol �, and the copyright
mark �. These symbols cannot be directly entered with a single key
on a typical (US) keyboard. This page describes how to work
with these special characters in Excel. You can download an add-in file
that makes it easy to view and insert symbols, even if you don't know the code
Special Folders
This page presents VBA code that you can use to return the name of the current user's Profile Folder and special
folders such as My Documents and Desktop.
Split Strings -- A Better Way
This Split function is very useful, but has two shortcomings: it can't
properly handle quoted string that should not be split apart, and it has problems with consequtive
delimiters between which there is no text. This page describes a VBA function that fixes these problems.
Split Strings With Multiple Delimiters
This page contains VB/VBA functions for splitting strings into sub strings based on multiple delimiters. The
delimiters many be single characters or strings of character.
Status Bar 
This page describes a few quick hints about working with the Excel status bar,
including how to clear your message from it after a set amount of time.
String Concatenation

Excel's CONCATENATE function is of little or no use. It cannot concatenate test in a range
of cells and it cannot be used in an array formula to selectively build a string based on inclusion criteria. This
page describes a VBA function named StringConcat that overcomes all the limitations of the
When you're new to Excel, and even when you're not, you'll find that you need
answers to questions. This page describes how to get answers from various
sources on the internet.
Suppressing Events In A UserForm

The Application.EnableEvents property does not apply to events of controls on a
UserForm. This pages describes how to write your own EnableEvents property for a
Tables And Lookups

This page describes a number of formulas for returning rows and columns from a table, return values based on multiple
lookups, arbitrary occurrence lookups, and closest match lookups.
Tables To Row Or Column

This page describes formulas you can use to transform a two-dimensional table of rows and columns into a
single row or a single column of data.
Test Excel Shutdown

This page describes a method using a COM Add-In to detect and
take action when the Excel application itself shuts down.
Testing The State Of The SHIFT, CTRL, and ALT Keys

This pages contains 3 VBA functions to test whether the SHIFT, CTRL, or ALT keys
are pressed. For each key, you can test whether only the Left, only the Right,
either the Left or Right, or both the Left and Right keys are pressed.
Time Zones In VBA 
Excel and VBA do not provide a direct way to work with either Time Zones or
Daylight Savings Time. This page describes how to read this information
from Windows. Also, you can download a workbook containing a class module
which simplifies all of the Windows API calls, allowing you to access a few
simple properties.
If you use Userforms in VBA, you almost certainly use the TextBox control.
Unfortunately, there is no property that allows you to restrict entry to certain
characters, such as numeric only. This page describes some VBA code that
restricts data entry to numeric (and supporting) characters only.
Timed Close 
You may find that your application should close a file if there has been no
user activity on that workbook for a specified period of time. That is, if the
user hasn't accessed the open workbook for so many minutes, save and close the
workbook. This can be achieved using event procedures
and the OnTime method.
Time Bombing A Workbook
The may be times that you want to limit to the time that a user can work with a workbook, such if you are distributing
a trial or demonstration version of an application. This page describes a few techniques to limit the amount of time that
a user can use a workbook.
Tools For Excel

This page contains descriptions and links to the "must have" tools for
Excel users and developers. These are tools written by others, which I use
every day. All are free to download and use.
Topic Index

This page lists, alphabetically, all of the topics covered on the web site, each
linked to the page where that topic is discussed. Together with the Search
page, this page lets you find what you need to know.
Tracking Workbook Open And Close Operations
This page describes some event procedures you can use to track when and by whom
a workbook is opened and closed. While I generally don't like such snooping by the boss, auditing who opens
a workbook may have its place.
UnSelecting A Cell Or Area

This page describes VBA procedures to remove a cell or area from a
non-contiguous selection of cells or ranges. For example, if you've
selected A1, A3, A5, and A7, and you want to remove A5 from the selection, this
code can do it for you.
UserForms And The Windows API Functions
This pages desribes how to modify (for example, adding Maximize and Minimize buttons) to a UserForm by using the
Windows API functions.
Vectors To Matrix

This page describes formulas for transforming a row or column of data to a matrix.
Versions Of Excel 
This pages describes some of the changes between the various versions of
Microsoft Excel.
Versions Of Excel

This page describes VBA code you can use to read the system registry to determine what versions of Excel are installed on
the local machine.
Visible Cells

This page describes how to work with visible and hidden cells.
Wait For File Close 
If you are working in a networked environment, you may need to open and modify data in another workbook.
If that workbook is open by another user, you will be to open it, but only in read-only mode. You won't be able to update the workbook.
This page describes code that you can use to pause your process to wait for an open file to be closed.
Week Numbers In Excel

Many organizations and applications use the week number of a date for identificaiton or
organizational purposes. However, this can be problematic because there are a variety
of ways of specifying when the first day of the first week of year should fall. This page
presents a number of worksheet formulas and VBA procedures for working with various types of
week numbers.
Weighted Averages

This page describes weighted averages and formulas to calculate them.
What's New?

Here's where you'll find what's new on the web site -- new topics, new pages,
and new downloadable files. Check this page often to be sure you don't
miss anything important.
Where To Put The Code

This page describes modules, procedures, and snippets, and explains where to put the code you find on this web site and other venues.
Who The Hell Is Chip?
This page answers your questions about who I am and why I do this.
Word Count 
This page describes a macro to count the number of words in worksheet.
Workbook Command Bar

This is a nifty little COM Add-In written in Visual Basic 6 that creates a command bar with a button for each open workbook,
along with a 'tree-view' navigation form through which you can directly activate any visible worksheet in any visible
workbook. You can download the installation program from the page. The VB6 source code is available upon request.
Working With Lists

This page describes a number of formulas for using SUM, MIN, MAX, and AVERAGE
functions to ignore zero values, or negative values, or values that fall outside
of an interval. Also included are formulas to reverse the order of a
column or row, and to transpose a column or row.
Writing Your Own Functions In VBA
This page describes how to write your own custom functions in VBA that can be called directly from worksheet cells. It includes
illustrations of functions that can used as array formuals.
Working With Overtime Hours In Timesheets
This page describes a number of formulas for working with regular and overtime
hours in worksheets, including excluding time taken for meal breaks. This
is a frequent task in Excel, and this page brings together in one example many
of the other formulas found in the date and time related pages.
Workbook And Worksheet Name, Returning To Cell

This page describes formulas you can use to get the full name, folder name, file name, sheet name, and file extension of a workbook.
Zooming And Centering On A Range

This page describes VBA procedures that you can use to zoom the screen on a
range of cells, and to center a cell or range of cells in the center of the

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See also the Topic Index Page for a complete list of topics discussed on the web site.
This page last updated: 1-Sept-2011. |