ThreeWave RowLiner Add-In

This page describes the RowLiner drawing add-in.


The RowLiner add-in draws grid lines on the worksheet outlining the active cell. This makes it easier to read across many columns and many rows. Additionally, it can highlight the active cell in color. RowLiner draws its own shapes on the worksheet so it will not disturb any cell formatting or Conditional Formatting. RowLiner will draw any one or more of four outlining lines: Left Vertical, Right Vertical, Top Horizontal, Bottom Horizontal.

This add-in will not work in 64-bit Excel.

RowLiner Grid


The image to the right illustrates the shapes drawn by RowLiner. In this image, RowLiner has drawn red vertical lines, blue horizontal lines, and  partially highlighted the active cell. Using the RowLiner configuration screen, you can specify which lines to draw and the style, weight, and color of the lines.


When you load the RowLiner add-in, it will add an item to your View menu. From that menu item, you can select the Setup screen and enable or disable RowLiner's drawing function. Also, the RowLiner enable item is added to the right-click menu.


RowLiner Setup

The RowLiner setup screen is shown below.

RowLiner Mai

The options are described below.

Enable Row And Column Lines turns the RowLiner drawing function on and off.

Remove Lines Before Printing erases the lines before a print operation so the lines will not appear on printed output.

Row Options and Column Options settings determine which lines are drawn and the weight, style, and color of the lines.

Nudge Down and Nudge Left move the bottom horizontal line down and the right vertical line to the left of the cells gridlines. This overrides the Align To Grid setting.

Align To Grid forces

This page last updated: 16-July-2007

